Side note: I’m writing this while listening to Harry Potter on Audible. Who even needs Netflix when you have all 7 books? 😉
- We moved last month to a smaller place! It feels so good to downsize! A 2 bed/2 bath apartment was waaay too big for the two of us (and a couple extra large dogs). Now that we’re in a 1 bed/1 bath apartment, we finally feel at home 🙂 I’ll do a home tour once we’re finished getting things how we like! We’re still getting some furniture in.
- In case you missed it, I’m cross-stitching my and Josh’s Christmas stockings. Yes, Christmas is a gazillion years away, but if you want them ready by then, you have to start now. I ran out of a thread color for one of the stockings and I’m annoyed. Do I stitch a similar color over it and say “oh well” and let the mistake hang out? Do I take the same color from the other stocking kit and risk running out with that one? Do I go buy a new thing of thread and end up with a bunch I’ll never use? It’s a dilemma.
- As a PSA to you all, I baked the most amazing cinnamon rolls ever. And you’ll have to wait until August for that recipe, but it’s coming!
- I almost killed my avocado plants during the move. Before the move, they were indoor plants. After, I decided to put them outside. Probably not smart to put them in direct sunlight the first day. There are literally scorch marks on the tops of the seeds and one almost didn’t make it. They’re doing better now, but it was touch-and-go there for a bit.
- I’m finally finishing up a couple of my knitting projects that have been hanging out. Between the hives and being sick, I haven’t touched knitting in about a month. It feels good to knock out a couple projects?
- Speaking of, did I mention my hives disaster? Yep, I decided to try that Halo Top ice cream everyone is crazy about. Well, it has monk fruit, which is a derivative of kiwi. I’m highly allergic to kiwi. After battling it out for a couple days and having my throat almost close up on me a couple of times, I finally went to urgent care. I now have to carry an EpiPen with me just in case because that’s how bad it gets!
- In other news, Trader Joe’s has argan oil! And it’s super cheap! My local store still has some, but it’s limited edition! So, if you see it, buy it now. I made the mistake of putting one too many drops in my hair and came out like a grease monkey (but a shiny, luscious grease monkey), so “less is more” definitely applies. haha!
- I spoke a little bit last week about how I go about book reviews on my Instagram. I’ve been loving all the authors reaching out to me! If you are an author, be sure to check it out. I do get paid for book reviews, but none of you (cozie folks) need to worry about something being inauthentic because of that. Like I tell my authors, their paying for the review, not my opinion. And, my opinion can be pretty harsh at times (exhibit A and exhibit B).
- I may have discovered the best recipe on the planet and it’s loaded sweet potatoes. 100% plant-based. I can eat this every day for the rest of my life. I keep meaning to take photos, but I only think about that after I eat it…haha! The key to it is to add green chiles and cook the rice (I always use brown) in vegetable broth. I’ll post that recipe soon! Promise!
- I’m finally finishing the Grisha trilogy. I got hooked on the first two books last year, and I finally got the last book! Which, of course, I’m hooked on as well. I don’t think I’ll be doing reviews for them. These are just a couple of my “fun” books that I read in my spare time (kind of like a brain palette cleanser). I also really want the new Six of Crows Duology boxset boxset because the books look so cool and I’m obsessed with boxsets (and I’m sure the story is good, too :)). I still have a huge book queue of books to be reviewed, so I really have to stop going to Barnes & Noble (it’s a magnet, I can’t help it) :p
- Josh is working on our dining room table! If you didn’t know, he made our table from the ground up and I love it. Over the last year, the wood of the tabletop has settled. So, he’s decided to deconstruct the top, use it for the top of our table benches, and make a new, stronger tabletop. It should be finished in a couple weeks!
- Starbucks a couple weeks ago had half-priced frappuccinos. Legit almost went broke haha! They’re so good! I think I like their caramel macchiatos a itty bitty bit more, but I can only get a grande because a venti just feels like too much, and I never finish them so it becomes a waste.
Anyway, I wasn’t expecting it to be quite that long! I was expecting more of a little life update, but I guess a lot has been going on! haha! If that’s the case, I’ll have to do these more often 🙂 I hope you all are doing well! See you around!
I love the grisha trilogy! It’s so great, I keep recommending it to everyone I can, I love books with an unique magic system. If you like this series, I bet you’ll like Mistborn by Brandon Sanders on if you have entered read it, I noticed a few similarities but mistborn is more involved but it’s my favorite series, next to Harry Potter of course 😉