Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day for couples. It’s one of the most popular days to get engaged. It’s also a popular day for gift-giving, flowers, and chocolate. People can go over the top.
It can also be a tough day for those who are single, who have recently lost a loved one, or who are struggling in general. It’s hard to feel love when you don’t feel like you much to give or anyone to give it to.
I’ll tell you a well-known secret: The key to loving others is loving yourself first. You can’t give when your own tank is empty.
Self-care and self-love have gotten a large spotlight in recent years, but are they worth the hype? After all, isn’t it selfish? No, self-love isn’t selfish. Yes, it’s worth the hype because you’re worth the hype.
Today is a great day for a great day, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other day. Let’s start loving ourselves. As soon as you do, you’ll feel it start to transform the world around you. Here are some ideas on how to get started and love this Valentine’s Day.
1. Write yourself a love letter.
Tell yourself all the good things you believe about yourself. Remind yourself of your achievements. Remind yourself of how strong and incredible you are. Remind yourself of how you overcame heartache. Remind yourself that you deserve good things. Remind yourself of how proud you are for how you’ve grown and taken on new challenges.
You are worthy of this. This is a tough exercise, especially if you tend to be introspective and self-critical. Put aside that for the moment. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love, not despite of your flaws, but as a whole person.
2. Make today a day of pampering.
There’s many different ways you can do this. My favorite way to turn a day into a mini-spa retreat is to turn up my skincare game.
Run yourself a bath and fill it with epsom salts and a bath bomb. Try out a new face cream. Really focus on cleansing your skin and massaging your face as your wash.
Trim your nails and put on a fresh coat of nail polish. Use a moisturizing hand cream to bring softness back after a dry winter. Rub lotion into the soles of your feet and then put on warm socks.
Try out a new hair mask and face mask. Take time to sit and comb through any hair tangles. Massage the crown of your head to release tension.
I'll tell you a well-known secret: The key to loving others is loving yourself first. You can't give when your own tank is empty. Click To Tweet3. Nourish yourself.
Nourish your body by making yourself a healthy home-cooked meal. You don’t have to be a Michelin chef. There’s many options on Pinterest for those who aren’t regular cooks to those who know what the folds mean on the toque.
Sit down at a table to eat. Practice mindfulness and focus on being present in the moment. Rehydrate yourself. Have a sweet treat after.
Nourish your mind be rereading your favorite book while snuggled in your favorite blanket. Nourish your soul be rereading the love letter to yourself. Remember that you are worthy of this love.
4. Empower yourself through movement.
Take a moment to appreciate your body and all it can do. Too often, we spend too much time thinking about the things we hate about our body and what we wish we could change. Now is the time to change your mindset and celebrate your body.
Your body has carried you through your whole life. It has breathed life into your soul. It has been there through every scrape and bruise. Every heartache.
Practice some restorative yoga or go for a walk. Marvel at all the things your amazing body can do: it keeps your heart beating, your lungs filled with oxygen, your brain firing neurons. It’s truly spectacular.
5. Get yourself flowers.
Or get yourself something nice. Get yourself that sweater you’ve been thinking about for the last couple weeks. Get yourself a spa treatment. Get yourself that book that’s been on your list.
Whatever it is, take today to treat yourself to something special and something you’ve been looking forward to. Something just for you.
It doesn’t have to expensive or a big-ticket item. It can be something as simple as getting yourself your favorite drink from your favorite coffee shop. Whatever you decide, make it your own special thing.
6. Unplug for the rest of the day and this weekend.
Let’s face it: no matter your relationship status, social media can you make you feel like it’s not good enough, cool enough, or cute enough to be on the ‘Gram. It’s not a healthy experience for this journey.
Go screen-free for the next 24 hours. Allow your mind to settle to the world around you and clear of any online negativity. Don’t just ditch social media for a day, but all electronics. You’ll be amazed at how restorative it is. I promise you’re not missing anything and everything you do miss will be there waiting for you when (or if) you return.
If you got value out of this, I would love for you to share it with someone who would love it, too.