2018 is here! And, it’s time to make this year your best year yet. I’m sure there’s more than only 31 things you can do to be happier and healthier in 2018 and I would love to hear some of your ideas to keep this list going all year long! These can easily be added to your goals and resolutions for the new year!
- Join the body positivity movement. If you’re not on this bandwagon yet, you should be. It is so much better to get on board with loving yourself and others than staying stuck in the wormhole of society. If you want a quick read to really get a kickstart, add this one to your bookshelf.
- Go green. Recycling has become easier and easier. At this point, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be. In addition, there’s loads more ways to go green than just separating your plastics from paper. Check out more ways here!
- Get outside. We’ve become more and more accustomed to staying inside between loads of office work and spending tons of time on social media. Make it a goal to spend a day a month outside, whether it be a hike with friends or opting to enjoy your local cafe from the sidewalk view.
- Banish debt. Vow off spending money you don’t have. Work on bringing your debt-to-income ratio down. Take a more critical look at your budget. Make your savings, like your emergency fund and 401k, a priority.
- Do a social media cleanse. Get rid of Facebook friends who are constantly posting negative things. Unfollow people on Instagram that make you question the validity of your life. Stop hate-following across all platforms and only keep people around that add true value each time you log on.
- Make regular dates. Make regular dates with friends, family, and loved ones. Spend every Sunday catching up over brunch. Dedicate your Friday nights to just couple time. Have a standing date for Saturday farmers’ markets with someone you’ve been wanting to keep in better touch with.
- Read more and scroll less. Read more books! Instead of spending an hour a day scrolling through your feed, dedicate an hour a day towards reading a new book. Better yet, instead of ending your night with a scroll, end it with a good book.
- Swear off comparison. Comparison can create a special sort of sickness in our life known as jealousy and bitterness. Instead of comparing your life to your neighbor and trying to keep up with the Joneses, focus on living your life the best way you can imagine it. If you could have the perfect day, what would it look like?
- Clean house on your friends. It’s time to stop holding onto toxic people. Weed out those who fall more into the frenemy category. Let go of people who are too negative, too critical, or like to spend more time reaping the benefits of your friendship than being a friend.
- Declutter your space. Get rid of things you haven’t touched in the last year. Have you used it in the last 6 months? If not, it’s time to pass it on to someone else.
- Make SMART goals. A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound. We all have goals for the new year, but don’t keep them vague. Vow to make some valuable steps to make your goals a reality.
- Reassess and take inventory on your life. What’s working? What isn’t? What goals have you achieved in the last year? What goals do want to achieve this year? The next 5 years?
- Find an exercise you love. We are designed to move. However, that movement does not have bring about misery (and it shouldn’t!). Find a workout that you thoroughly love and commit to doing it.
- Keep a gratitude journal. I spoke a little here about how I keep a daily log of what I’m grateful for. It’s life-changing. As soon as you commit to keeping a gratitude journal, you begin to see how grand life really is!
- Focus on staying present. Goal-setting and re-evaluating can keep us going between the future and the past. Opt to stay present by doing grounding exercises and enjoying the current moment.
- Give up perfection. This can be particularly challenging in a world that’s thriving on the showcase of people’s perfect moments via Instagram. However, it’s important to remember that those are just moments and not the whole picture. Be okay with not having it all together all the time and aim to be kinder to yourself in those moments.
- Learn to say “no”. Stop people-pleasing. Stop saying “yes” to things that you don’t want to do. By saying “no” more often, you can make space to say “yes” to things that are truly valuable in your life.
- Cultivate your home. Create a space that is designed uniquely for you. Get rid of items that no longer feel like they cater to your tastes. Add pieces that curate joy and a sense of connection.
- Wake up earlier. Begin by waking up just 5 minutes earlier every day until you’re waking up 30 minutes to an hour earlier. You’ll be surprised by how much more relaxed you are and how much more “me” time you have!
- Ask more questions. Don’t mind read. If you’re not sure about something, ask. If you don’t understand something, ask. There is no harm in asking and it makes you better equipped in your relationships, career, and life.
- Stop multi-tasking. Recent studies have shown that multi-tasking actually decreases productivity. Work on accomplishing one task at a time. This may feel slower at first, but you will soon realize that you are accomplishing much more overall (and better).
- Learn to cook. Learn to actually cook well. Create a Pinterest board dedicated to healthful recipes. Dedicate a day of the week for cooking the main meal of the week.
- Develop a regular self-care routine. Stick to a nightly skincare routine. Keep up with your doctor appointments. Make it a weekly goal to pamper yourself in someway, like with a bath soak or manicure.
- Actually work hard. Over the last year, “hustle” has entered many of our vocabularies. However, it seems like very few of us comprehend what that means. When you’re working, dedicate yourself to focusing on that task without letting in distractions. Try the Pomodoro Technique to see what you’re really made of.
- Create something new. Try a new DIY. Opt to make something to display in your home, like a painting or by making a fresh wreath to hang.
- Discover a new hobby. Or continue to work on a beloved hobby you already have. Check out this list if you’re stumped!
- Stop doing the things you hate. Seriously, stop. Stop wasting time doing things that do not bring you joy. Some things are unavoidable, like chores, but most of the things we dislike doing are optional.
- Learn to let go. Let go of things out of your control. Let go of people that do not bring positive energy to your life. Let go of things you no longer use. Let go of the past and things that happened long ago. Let go of holding onto anger, fear, and jealousy.
- Add more greens. Find ways to add more vegetables to your diet. Eating your greens regularly brings around a plethora of health benefits, including more energy, better skin, and an overall better feeling of wellness.
- Go on a spending cleanse. Stop spending mindlessly. Don’t buy something just because it’s on sale. Focus on making your spending habits intentional. Is what your buying going to be truly valued or are you buying it for the moment?
- Volunteer more. Become more involved in your local community. Giving your time and talent to others gives you a serious happiness boost. Don’t believe me? Check out this infographic and then go check out your local volunteer organizations.
What are you doing to be happier and healthier in 2018? I’d love to hear from you and share some more ideas around!